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Every gift to the endowment is a forever gift for our faculty

Email Morgan Lewis, Director of Advancement or call at 850-893-8465.

The Faculty Salary Growth & Supplementation Endowment was created in 2022 with a generous lead gift from a current family who sought to change the way our faculty were compensated in perpetuity.  This endowment will provide funding to transform the way our faculty are compensated in the long term, with the goal of paying Maclay faculty 200% of the Florida state average.  In the immediate term, earnings from the endowment provide bonuses to faculty while the corpus continues to grow. The goal of this fund is not only to compensate our faculty at a rate that is commensurate with the important work that they do, but also to equip our institution to recruit and retain the best possible teaching faculty to lead this institution and shape the future of our graduates.  

Gifts to the endowment can be pledged for a period of up to five years, made outright, or in the form of a planned gift.