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The MARC will hold a series of workshops and test prep opportunities during the school year at no costs, but for those students who wish to go deeper into test prep to specifically prepare for an upcoming exam, may consider adding the SAT/ACT Prep course.  The fee for this course $325 for 9 hours of directed test prep with Mrs. Fantle, Ms. LaBatt, and Mr. G.


MATH workshop 
Who: All students who have completed Algebra 2 
When: Saturdays, Sept 21 & 28  8:00 am – 12:00 pm 
Where: Maclay School; Upper School D pod  
Bring a water bottle, Snacks, and materials provided 

When: Monday, September 30th 2:30 – 3:30  
Where: Maclay School; Upper School A4 

SAT Dates 
S1: Aug 24, Oct 5, Nov 2, Dec 7 
S2: Mar 8, May 3, June 7 

ACT Dates 
S1: Sept 14, Oct 26, Dec 14 
S2: Feb 8, Apr 5, June 14, July 12