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Traffic Information for Campus

This summer, we began the long-awaited expansion of the holding pond on the North side of campus that will allow us to begin construction on the academic and athletic expansion of our facilities.  With this progress comes much inconvenience for a short period of time.  So, with that said, we start the year asking for your patience and attention to the changes and recommendations for drop-off and pick-up on campus.

The first item to note is the staggered start and end times for each division.  For pick-up, this will only be successful if parents wait to arrive until dismissal time.  As always, the first week is more congested until afterschool activities begin.  We will be adding an officer for a few weeks to assist with the Meridian Road exit to expedite cars leaving campus.

The biggest change is the CLOSURE of the road between the Middle School and Solomon Field, so there is no longer an access loop around campus.  Traffic at the front of the lower and middle schools will only have the option to exit on Meridian Road. The traffic to and beyond Webster Gym will have to exit on Maclay Road.

We have developed a thoughtful plan, but undoubtedly will tweak and update as construction zones shift throughout the year.  Please read the following carefully:


It is recommended that families with multiple children at Maclay drop-off at the youngest student’s drop-off location.

PreK: Drop-off 7:45am-8:15am at PreK
Enter in the Maclay Road gate and Exit to Meridian Road.  Students arriving before 7:45am must be registered for Early Bird care and drop-off at the Dining Hall.

LS: Drop-off 7:45am-8:00am at Lower School
The doors are locked until 7:45am.  Any arrivals prior to 7:45 am must drop-off at Early Bird care at the Dining Hall. Registration is required.  For families with a lower school child and a Middle or Upper Schooler, we recommend older siblings be dropped at the lower school drop-off area and allow the older siblings to walk to their division.

MS: Drop-off 8:00am-8:15am at Webster Gym circle drive or Middle School Front drop off
Students arriving before 7:45am will report to the MS Center Room 50. Middle School families will be dropping middle school students at the Webster Center Gym. 

US: Drop off 8:15am-8:30am at Dining Hall 
The secondary option is the Webster Gym circle. Exit is Maclay Road as there is no access to Meridian on the back road.  Families with siblings should drop-off at the youngest child’s designated location. 

Due to teenage drivers and poor visibility, you will be directed to only drop off at the circle curb/sidewalk and not in the middle of the parking lot.

Student Parking
Senior parking is at Webster Center Gym including off street parking in the area behind the score board. 10th and 11th graders park in the Dining Hall lot.  Overflow student parking is at baseball, softball, and tennis.  


It is recommended that families with siblings pick up at the youngest student’s pick-up location.

PreK: Full day pick-up begins at 3:00pm at PreK
Enter Maclay Road and line up in the right (north) lane next to Cartee. Exit Meridian Road only. There is only a right turn out of the pick-up lane. 

Lower School: Pick-up begins at 3:00pm at Lower School
Enter Maclay Road, line up in the center lane at Cartee, and proceed to the front of Lower School.  Have your pick-up number clearly displayed. A staff member will enter your number into our system to ensure your child is waiting for you when you arrive at the pickup location. Parents who choose to park and walk in should not enter the classroom area before 3:00 pm.  If a child needs to be checked out before 3:00 pm, parents/guardians should come to the front office and the child will be called to the front for an early departure.  All traffic will exit Meridian Road.

Middle School 6th and 7th grade: Pick-up begins at 3:10pm at Middle School
Enter Maclay Road and line up in the left (south) lane at Cartee Gym and proceed to the front of Middle School.  If you have a LS student and have already picked up your LS child, you will be asked to exit the LS line normally and either park or re-enter the Middle School line.  

Middle School 8th Grade: Pick-up begins at 3:10pm at Webster Gym circle drive

Upper School: Pick-Up begins at 2:30pm at Webster Gym circle drive .
US Students do not enter the Lower School building until 3pm if meeting a sibling
Due to teenage drivers and poor visibility, you will be directed to only drop off at the circle curb/sidewalk and not in the middle of the parking lot.

Lower School PIck-Up

Lower School students stay in their homeroom with their teacher and classmates until you are about 20 cars away from pickup. They enjoy some downtime at the end of the day. The pickup period lasts roughly 25 minutes, so even if you are the last car in line, your child has not been standing and waiting for you. If you arrive on campus at 2:50 PM, you will likely be in carline for 20+ minutes. However, if you arrive at 3:10 PM, most of the line will have cleared, and you may be on and off campus within 5 minutes. If you are not in line by 3:20 PM, your child will be escorted to Kids Club until you arrive. If you are running late or have trouble, call the main number (850.893.2138) to get a message to our Pickup Team. The first week will take longer as everyone is learning the system, but we typically hit peak efficiency 5 to 7 days into the year.

LS/MS Siblings

MS/LS siblings: If you have a child in both Lower and Middle School, we strongly recommend that you not enter the Lower School pickup line until 3:10 PM, so that you can pick both students up at the same time. If you pick-up before 3:10pm, you will be asked to park and wait to re-enter the MS line so the LS line can flow. MS Students with LS siblings have the option of walking to the Lower School pickup area to be picked up with their younger sibling.  It will be the MS student’s responsibility to locate their pick-up vehicle.

Download the Traffic Map PDF

The above are guides to help for a smooth pickup and drop off process.  If you have any specific questions about your family’s situation, call your Division Director’s office at our main number, 850.893.2138.