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Early Bird * Stay & Play * Kids Club * LevelUp * Summer Camp

Whether you need extended childcare, or looking for a creative outlet for your child to explore and discover the arts, athletics, or a new passion, the Auxiliary Program at Maclay provides a safe, creative environment for our students to thrive and enjoy.

M Shield


Enrichment Classes are 6-8 week classes that take Kids Club to the next LEVEL! Prices vary depending on the class and length of time.   Whether your child has an interest in the arts, athletics, academic challenges or even books and cooking, LevelUp is a fun way to spend the afternoon several days a week.

Semester 2 for the LevelUp Enrichments is now open!

Some of the afterschool activities include:
·    eSports, 6th – 8th Grade
·    Warner Soccer, K – 5th Grade
·    Grasshoppers Soccer, Pre-K
·    Cooking with Mr. Jim, K – 5th Grade
·    Math @ Maclay with the CAE, K – 5th Grade
·    Mandarin Language Speaking Skills, PreK – 12th
·    Science Explorers with FSU Professors, Alan & Emily Lemmon, 3rd–8th
·    Golf with Coach Gabe Marchessault, 3rd – 8th
·    Minds in Motion STEM, K – 2nd
And SO much more!
Visit the link below for more information including class schedules and class descriptions.
M Shield

Auxiliary Programs at Maclay

The Maclay School Auxiliary Program offers a comprehensive range of programs designed to enrich your child's life outside of school day hours. The Early Bird, Stay & Play, Kids Club, LevelUp Enrichments, and Summer Camp Programs provide parents with extended childcare options and a wide range of lessons and classes, all conveniently located on Maclay’s 100-acre campus.

Registration for the 2024-2025 school year will open on August 1st. Parents who have recently registered for a Maclay Summer Camp program can use the same login information for this process.  If you have not registered previously for summer camp, you will need to create a new account that will be used for all Auxiliary program registration

  • Early Bird: Early Bird is available for Lower School students PreK-5 from 7am-8am (registration and fees apply) and on Wednesday morning 8am-9:15am at no charge but does require registration.  The Middle School Center is open at 7am each morning at no charge. 
  • Stay and Play: Stay and Play is offered to PreK3 and PreK4 from 12:30pm-3pm.  Students must register for this extended childcare option.
  • Kids Club: Kids Club is the afterschool care for PreK-5 from the end of school until 6pm (registration and fees apply).
  • Level Up Enrichment: The LevelUp Enrichment Program provides artistic, educational, and athletic opportunities for PreK, Lower School, and Middle  School students. Classes run for 6 – 8 weeks and offerings change frequently. Classes are an add-on to our extended-day Stay & Play and Kids Club programs. Classes are offered 1 – 2 days a week and sessions are announced in weekly emails you receive on Mondays from the school. Please note that LevelUp Enrichment classes are an additional registration and fee to Kids Club registration. Students must be registered in Kids Club to sign up for LevelUp Enrichment classes.
  • Maclay Summer Camp: No one does Summer Camp better!  Registration for Maclay Summer Camp opens in February each year and gives families hundred of options of camps, sessions, and weeks to choose from.  Summer Camps at Maclay are open to the Tallahassee community and often fill up quickly.

Counselors pick up registered Kindergarten through 5th graders from classrooms and escort them to the Dining Hall for check-in and snack.  Students attending a LevelUp Enrichment class are grouped with their Enrichment classmates. Registered Kids Club students participate in snack time, homework time and activities like playground, Arts & Crafts, Gaming Tables, Free Play in Cartee Gym, and Cool Down time.  Students enrolled in LevelUp Enrichment classes must be enrolled in Kids Club and will be escorted to the designated location and return to Kids Club at the conclusion of the class.  Parent pick-up is at Kids Club typically located at the Dining Hall.

Kids Club Fees

Early Bird (PreK-5) 7am-7:45am
Drop-In  $20
Semester $220
Yearly $440
PreK Stay & Play 12:30pm-3pm
Daily $20
Monthly $225
Semester $1000
Yearly $1975
Part-time Kids Club (Grades PrekK-5) 3pm-4:30pm
Daily $20
Monthly $170
Semester $750
Yearly $1480
Full-time Kids Club (Grades PreK-5) 3pm-6pm
Monthly $225
Semester $1000
Yearly $1975
Daily Drop-In $20 per day

Maclay Summer Camp opens February 3rd!  Join the fun at

"At Maclay, we're committed to providing exceptional care and enriching experiences for students of all ages. Our before school and afterschool programs, summer camps, and extended care options offer a nurturing environment where children can learn, grow, and thrive." Tonya Little, Director of Axiliary Programs